Does leather goods smell? Do leather bags smell?
Does leather goods smell?
Genuine leather bags will have a leather smell, but high-quality cowhide will generally desalinate this smell during processing. There is a smell, but it is not too serious. On the contrary, some low-quality fake leather bags are not handled well, and the chemical agent exceeds the standard or something. The smell is strong and pungent, and you will feel dizzy when you smell it. However, it is generally impossible to distinguish between genuine and fake leather by asking.
The surface of the genuine leather feels very smooth after touching it with your fingers, and has good ductility (soft cowhide). When the front of the leather is turned down90 degrees, natural wrinkles will appear and bend separately The thickness and number of folds produced in different parts are obviously uneven. It can be basically identified as dermis because dermis has a natural fibrous structure. Artificial leather feels like plastic, with poor recovery, and the thickness and thickness of the folds are similar when bent in all directions.
Does the leather bag smell?
1. Put fresh orange peel or lemon peel in the bag and take it out after a day. Then put the whole bar of soap together and seal it in a plastic bag3after days, the leather smell is gone. Principle: Orange---Deodor;Soap--</span >Tianxiang
2. Put household scented toilet paper into a smelly bag and leave it for a day or two, and the toilet paper will absorb the smell.
3The easiest way is to put the new bag directly in a ventilated place for 2days, the leather smell of the new bag will naturally disappear.